Formula Air HVAC Service Area


Below is a list of the counties we service, A/C Repair, A/C Replacement, Furnace & Heater Repair, Furnace & Heater Replacement and Maintenance. If you have any questions whether or not you fall into a area we service, please give us a call! 704-251-9034 


Below is a list of some of the cities and towns we service, A/C Repair, A/C Replacement, Furnace & Heater Repair, Furnace & Heater Replacement and Maintenance.If you have any questions whether or not you fall into a area we service, please give us a call! 704-251-9034 **Currently replacement not available in SC

We have a consistant diagnostic cost no matter where you are located, if you fall in our service area have the peace of mind of knowing your rates will be unimpacted.